In order to aid your escape, here are several sites of some interest. To further assist you in your flight, they are organized into handy categories.


§ Just to annoy his friends, here's Mike's Guttermouth links.

§ More comprehensive than comprehensive, it's The Pond Page. A very, very nice man runs this. A very, very nice man who once gave me a free sticker.

§ One for the punks, it's The Punk Guitar Archive. Lots of tabs.

§ An amazing unofficial Mudhoney page. It has everything about them, their side projects, and other sordid details.

§ Another Mudhoney page, this one with tons of tabs.

§ More punk rock. A plethora of links.

§ For noise information Yahoo! is surprisingly good.

§ If you like making beeps and boops, then check out the Shareware Music Machine. Free and cheap software for the computer musician.

§ The Astrocade in Philadelphia has a never-ending series of experimental music shows, but a pretty boring website.

§ The Kalvos and Damian's New Music Bazaar is a weekly radio show dedicated to "new music" (read: experimental and interesting). Their site has all kinds of information and also has all their broadcasts available in Real Audio.

§ Check out another No Core/Syracuse Noise Collective webpage put up by Mr. Michael Lockwood.

Apparatically Approved Bands

If you liked i, apparatus, we think you'll enjoy these other quality unsigned bands.

§ Be sure and check out The Plastic Exploding Plastic Exploding Plastic Exploding Metal Helmet Orchestra homepage. They have a long name, long songs, and long... er... quality.

§ More quality noise can be found at the Alogon page.

§ If Brainiac or Six Finger Satellite tickles your music bone, don't miss out on t1MiNaCT1ON. I have to point out that the URL of this site is "". That's damn cool.

§ Mike makes nice music. He doesn't have a fancy name for it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to it.

§ If any of these bands were your metaphorical cup of tea, you'll want to be sure to check them out in NO CORE, the Syracuse Noise Collective's official publication. All of them will be appearing on the upcoming compilation tapes that accompany the magazine.


§ Go visit Chank. He designed the font on Taco Bell Wrappers and lots of others. There are also some free downloads for cheapskates like me.

§ If you like attacking robots and fonts, you'll love Robotic Attack Fonts.

§ More fonts than you can shake a stick at. Unless you're really good at stick shaking.

§ Larabie puts the "fun" in "font"! Or something to that effect.


§ All the agnosticism/athiesm/secular humanism/whateverism you can stand can be found at the Internet Infidels website. Be sure to check out the humor section.

§ Full time Christianity got you down? Then try some Recreational Christianity.

§ For our more mature readers, there's always Adult Christianity. Hosted by the Post Fundamentalist Press.

Other Stuff

§ Let the Alternative French Dictionary teach you how to curse en français. Especially fun for shocking les professeurs.

§ Hone your cruelty. Visit

§ Learn how to talk like a private dick. Great fun at parties.

§ Quickly! Go visit the Monkeyenergy homepage and join their email discussion list. It's great fun and, after all, things are speeding up here at the end.

§ If you're searching for some help with "doing it yourself", check out DIY Search. They have all kinds of cool links, including one to our page *blush*.